As I continue to read through the book I mentioned in my last entry, "Fresh Power", I find more and more to equip me for my new service in church leadership. We have recently started attending a very small, very intriguing church. My husband and I felt a definite call to leave our comfort zone of a large, well-established church with all the programs and activities one could ever want. We felt God was calling us to a place with very little to offer us. Instead of seeking to have our needs met, we are seeking to fill empty places in a church that needs us . . . desperately.
God called every believer to service. We are all to find a place within our churches, buckle down, and serve. Period. Regardless of whether our needs are met (only God truly knows what we actually need anyway), our feelings get hurt, or we "feel like it." (Which can entail a myriad of objections in itself). So why is it the modern western culture (read: United States) attitude to seek out a church for what it can do for me? I wonder how many of us are actually reading our Bibles? Because if we were, we would know that Jesus came to serve not to be served (Mark Chapter 10). Aren't we then, as followers of Christ, supposed to follow in His footsteps and serve? How can we justify such selfishness?
Allow me to share a few excerpts from this incredible book I am studying: "But just as there are people who watch from the bleachers and never know the challenge on the court, we have millions of churchgoers who sit in pews every week without entering the game." Later in the chapter, Pastor Cymbala goes on to say of the leaders of the Antioch church "These men were not sitting in a boardroom making strategic charts on a whiteboard. They were not huddled around their computers working on spreadsheets. Instead, they were having a time of worship, praise and prayer, all intensified by periods of fasting." Then he goes on to describe what I heard a good friend recently call a "Martha" type church (compared to a "Mary" type). "... if we are always busy working, doing, talking, handing out materials, and fielding phone calls, we miss the chances to listen and get our ears tuned to his voice. These men in Antioch quieted down enough to hear something from heaven. Samuel Chadwick said in the early 1900s, 'The church that multiplies committees and neglects prayer may be fussy, noisy, enterprising, but it labors in vain and spends its strength for naught. It is possible to excel in mechanics and fail in dynamics. There is an abundance of machinery; what is wanting is power.' "
Where has the power gone in our churches today? May I suggest to you that the power is within the people. It is called the Holy Spirit. But we're too busy, prideful and selfish to even realize our power source is completely cut off by our slothfulness and selfishness. I'm not sure about you, but I'm weary of the "me first" mentality in today's Christian culture. What happened to "God first" ? Brothers and sisters, I'm certain, based on authority of Scripture, that when our priority comes back to balance - God first - we will see revival in our nation. But it has to start within each believer's heart.
Saint, please know, that when I ask you this, I am including myself - where is God in your heart? This is a question I must ask myself daily. I hope you will too.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Unity = Effective Christianity
Over the past few years, I have been so burdened for unity in the Body of Christ that I can hardly contain it. I'm reading an excellent book right now that, coupled with my personal Bible reading, is making me even more jealous for the unity to which we are called. The book is "Fresh Power" by Jim Cymbala. This is the fourth book I've read by this particular author and each one has challenged me and encouraged me in ways I never imagined a book could.
Yesterday, as I studied Colossians, it paralleled and magnified some things I was reading in the book. In an effort to bring this subject to light in the name of Jesus, I want to share with you what I am learning.
In Colossians 3:13, we read "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as memebers of one body you were called to peace. " A little earlier, in verse 11, Paul states "Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all." (emphasis added in both quotes). The Lord is clearly telling us to leave all pretenses, prejudices and preferences in the Name of Jesus to work together as one body for His Kingdom. God is not concerned with the name on the door of your church building or the number of people attending. He is concerned with the Holy Spirit filling each person in His body across the nations so we have the Power to do His work, unified, with one goal - to reach people - both the lost and believers in need of restoration and encouragement - and change their lives in Jesus' name!
Brothers and Sisters, unify, for Christ's sake!! Have a loving attitude and a heart for people. See them through Jesus' eyes. Status, race, denomination, wealth, poverty, talent - God is the giver of those gifts and He only sees a heart - not a color, pocketbook or skill. We will never be blessed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit in our corporate gatherings with division and strife. In the aforementioned book, Pastor Cymbala says it this way "We are busy expending energy to move ahead, but we go nowhere in the end. At the same time that we beckon the Spirit to 'come' through our praying and preaching, our slander, backbiting and division yell at him to 'go away'. "
Do we want to be effective for Christ or do we want to merely plod along in the same mediocre existence we are currently experiencing? I'm not sure about you, but I want to hold hands with my Brothers and Sisters and kick Satan not only to the curb, but to the darkness in which he belongs. In order to bind him up and start becoming more effective as a Body, we must unify. Satan's first attempt to destroy us is to keep us from becoming a child of the King. When that fails, he uses every force of darkness he can to create ineffective witness for Christ so that no one else is influenced positively enough by us to want what we have. This is the current climate of Christianity today. Such ineffectiveness that the world looks at us and says "why do I want that - they're no different than me?" Is that really the impression of Christianity we want displayed?
Not me! Arm yourself with the full armor of God with me. Put your work boots on and let's get a little dirty for the Kingdom's sake! Look at your fellow believers regardless of denomination, race or status - regardless of how they look, smell or speak - and say "Let's do this thing for Jesus' sake!!" That's effective Christianity. And it's a pleasing offering to our Lord and King.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Greatest Power
I'm on vacation right now and there's really no better time to take a few minutes to write than when you're in the presence of the Almighty and His creation like I am today. I am at the beach and I never feel more close to God than I do when I'm looking at His ocean. What a magnificent display of His glory and power! The ocean is a complex machine. It holds the potential to ignite romance, inspire worship and soothe. But the same ocean has the power to smooth hard surfaces, erode beaches and destroy entire cities. But aren't we thankful that the ocean can do nothing without the direct consent of its Creator? Much like us. And, Praise God, very much like our enemy the Devil!!
Think about it! For all your struggles with Satan, remember, he is not allowed to touch one hair on your precious head without the direct consent of God. NOTHING happens without God allowing it!! If you are struggling in a battle with the greatest enemy, remember this. God has a work to do in you, precious one. And Satan is being used of God to complete that work. Wonder what the "father of all lies" would think of that one? Believer, he knows! Rest assured, Satan might have a big head, but even he knows that God is God and there is none like him. His agenda is to take as many humans down with him as possible.
Be encouraged, saint! Stand up and fight the fight on the winning side, then rejoice with your Commander - God Himself. There is no greater power.
Think about it! For all your struggles with Satan, remember, he is not allowed to touch one hair on your precious head without the direct consent of God. NOTHING happens without God allowing it!! If you are struggling in a battle with the greatest enemy, remember this. God has a work to do in you, precious one. And Satan is being used of God to complete that work. Wonder what the "father of all lies" would think of that one? Believer, he knows! Rest assured, Satan might have a big head, but even he knows that God is God and there is none like him. His agenda is to take as many humans down with him as possible.
Be encouraged, saint! Stand up and fight the fight on the winning side, then rejoice with your Commander - God Himself. There is no greater power.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
God's economy
As my personal study of Acts continues, I have found even more that I simply must share with you. I can hardly think of anything else than what the Lord has shown me today.
I am visiting my parents out of town. My dad loves Fox News and watches it almost exclusive to anything else on TV, save Judge Judy. Judge Judy drives me nuts (sorry, Dad) but I can handle Fox News. If you have to watch news - which I make a habit of not doing (too depressing) - I guess Fox is the best choice. I digress.
The most hot topic on any news channel right now is the Healthcare Reform that President Obama is trying to implement. I will never use this blog as a political platform for my personal opinions. Those are between you and the Lord. I only mention what's being reported currently because it related so much to my study in Acts, that I've been convicted and prayerful ever since.
Regardless of your political view, the Bible never changes. There are truths and principles in there that can change your day, your life and your world. How can you reading the Bible change the world you might ask. Allow me to submit one very real possibility. You read your Bible and are changed by the holy conviction you receive. Then you share it with someone else, who then pursues their own search and receives life-changing revelation. Then they share it and so on and so forth. So I decided to share what I've learned in the hopes that you'll share, then the people you meet will share. I am very weary of mediocre Christianity.
Now, on to what I read that relates so poignantly to today's world and our current issues. In Acts Chapter 4 verse 32, then verses 34-35 we get an explanation of how life was supposed to be and how the body of Christ is supposed to act. Acts 4:32, 34-35: "All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet and it was distributed to anyone as he had need." Now there's a welfare system for you. God's system. God's economy.
It states clearly here that God's plan to feed the hungry and clothe the needy was for the church to care for them. Under the direction and counsel of the church, everyone had what they needed. I fear what I am saying here might be misconstrued. Please understand that I am taking no political side here. Instead, I am asking - what has happened to Christians today? When did we become so greedy that we started thinking "this is mine" rather than "this is God's"? Please know that there is no condemnation in this questioning because I am the first who needed to repent of this particular selfishness. Where did we, as Christians, lose the desire to give freely, joyfully and sacrificially so that God may use the gifts with which He blessed us to bless others even more?
It's no wonder circumstances have become what they are in the world. Christians have forgotten or possibly simply ignored the teachings of God's Word and decided to make their own rules. There is no plan other than God's plan. Because of our slothfulness in stewardship, we have allowed government to step in and fill the gap we have left. Our responsibility is to study the Word, to know the Word and to live the Word. Why are we sitting idly by when we have the answers from God in a precious love story He wrote just to us? I challenge us (myself included) to read His Word with abandon. Like our lives depend on it. Because they do. Then drop to your knees and pray. Pray like you've never prayed before and let's show this world what a truly faithful, obedient Christian can do to effect change.
I am visiting my parents out of town. My dad loves Fox News and watches it almost exclusive to anything else on TV, save Judge Judy. Judge Judy drives me nuts (sorry, Dad) but I can handle Fox News. If you have to watch news - which I make a habit of not doing (too depressing) - I guess Fox is the best choice. I digress.
The most hot topic on any news channel right now is the Healthcare Reform that President Obama is trying to implement. I will never use this blog as a political platform for my personal opinions. Those are between you and the Lord. I only mention what's being reported currently because it related so much to my study in Acts, that I've been convicted and prayerful ever since.
Regardless of your political view, the Bible never changes. There are truths and principles in there that can change your day, your life and your world. How can you reading the Bible change the world you might ask. Allow me to submit one very real possibility. You read your Bible and are changed by the holy conviction you receive. Then you share it with someone else, who then pursues their own search and receives life-changing revelation. Then they share it and so on and so forth. So I decided to share what I've learned in the hopes that you'll share, then the people you meet will share. I am very weary of mediocre Christianity.
Now, on to what I read that relates so poignantly to today's world and our current issues. In Acts Chapter 4 verse 32, then verses 34-35 we get an explanation of how life was supposed to be and how the body of Christ is supposed to act. Acts 4:32, 34-35: "All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet and it was distributed to anyone as he had need." Now there's a welfare system for you. God's system. God's economy.
It states clearly here that God's plan to feed the hungry and clothe the needy was for the church to care for them. Under the direction and counsel of the church, everyone had what they needed. I fear what I am saying here might be misconstrued. Please understand that I am taking no political side here. Instead, I am asking - what has happened to Christians today? When did we become so greedy that we started thinking "this is mine" rather than "this is God's"? Please know that there is no condemnation in this questioning because I am the first who needed to repent of this particular selfishness. Where did we, as Christians, lose the desire to give freely, joyfully and sacrificially so that God may use the gifts with which He blessed us to bless others even more?
It's no wonder circumstances have become what they are in the world. Christians have forgotten or possibly simply ignored the teachings of God's Word and decided to make their own rules. There is no plan other than God's plan. Because of our slothfulness in stewardship, we have allowed government to step in and fill the gap we have left. Our responsibility is to study the Word, to know the Word and to live the Word. Why are we sitting idly by when we have the answers from God in a precious love story He wrote just to us? I challenge us (myself included) to read His Word with abandon. Like our lives depend on it. Because they do. Then drop to your knees and pray. Pray like you've never prayed before and let's show this world what a truly faithful, obedient Christian can do to effect change.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Who we REALLY are
Really, I'm trying to update this blog more frequently. I promise. Tomorrow is a new day, I suppose. Bear with me.
Today, my Bible study had me in Romans 4 and a couple things struck me while I read it. Particularly, 2 verses within the chapter. I'll share both of them with you today and I hope it blesses you like it blessed me. It blessed my socks off, as I often like to say.
First, in verse 17, it states - "the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were." There's so much in that one half-verse that I can hardly get my thoughts to my fingers before another one comes full-steam ahead behind it! "The God who gives life to the dead" - do you know a dead person who needs a little life? How about a dead marriage? How about a dead friendship? And let's just be honest, I'm sure we all know a dead church that could use some life! It says right here, smack in the middle of Romans 4 that God is the giver of life! So why don't we just ask for it?
Then there's the portion of that verse that says "and calls things that are not as though they were." Will someone please shout Glory! with me???!! The context of this portion is that Abraham had righteousness credited to him by faith - - alone. Not circumcision, not position, not breeding, but faith only. Faith in the only One worth entrusting faith to. God Almighty, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, with whom we are heirs to the throne by our simple faith. Hallelujah, someone needs to shout right now! Maybe run a little or dance, or sing or kneel?
I'm going to borrow on this verse for a minute and take it just a little farther. This is what God spoke to me, personally through this portion of this verse. Yes, the verse is talking about our righteousness credited to us simply because we believe. And that in and of itself is a miraculous work. But, even more than that, I believe that God calls us not only who we are in Him as though we already were, but what we are in Him as well. Let me give an example. God looks at a young couple just getting married who have no idea what God will do with their lives. He knows that He is going to call them to be missionaries for Him in ten years, but His time for their calling hasn't yet come. Regardless, when God sees that couple, I believe He says to Himself, there's my missionary couple. Because He calls things that are not as though they were. Do you see what I mean? Dear one, what has He called you to that has not yet come to fruition? Remember, He already calls you what, in the earthly realm, you are not. Mercy, I wish I could be there to see your face as this dawns upon you afresh like it did me. I've been praising Him all day!!
Finally, in verse 21, it states "being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised." So many times I fail God by not trusting in His power to do exactly what He's promised. I trust for others. I can believe it for them, but when it comes to myself, it's a completely different story. This was a reminder for me (and God has to remind me often), to walk like I am fully persuaded that God has power to do [exactly] what He has promised. Praise the Lord! He is worthy. He is mighty and He holds more power than my mind can even fathom. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
Today, my Bible study had me in Romans 4 and a couple things struck me while I read it. Particularly, 2 verses within the chapter. I'll share both of them with you today and I hope it blesses you like it blessed me. It blessed my socks off, as I often like to say.
First, in verse 17, it states - "the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were." There's so much in that one half-verse that I can hardly get my thoughts to my fingers before another one comes full-steam ahead behind it! "The God who gives life to the dead" - do you know a dead person who needs a little life? How about a dead marriage? How about a dead friendship? And let's just be honest, I'm sure we all know a dead church that could use some life! It says right here, smack in the middle of Romans 4 that God is the giver of life! So why don't we just ask for it?
Then there's the portion of that verse that says "and calls things that are not as though they were." Will someone please shout Glory! with me???!! The context of this portion is that Abraham had righteousness credited to him by faith - - alone. Not circumcision, not position, not breeding, but faith only. Faith in the only One worth entrusting faith to. God Almighty, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, with whom we are heirs to the throne by our simple faith. Hallelujah, someone needs to shout right now! Maybe run a little or dance, or sing or kneel?
I'm going to borrow on this verse for a minute and take it just a little farther. This is what God spoke to me, personally through this portion of this verse. Yes, the verse is talking about our righteousness credited to us simply because we believe. And that in and of itself is a miraculous work. But, even more than that, I believe that God calls us not only who we are in Him as though we already were, but what we are in Him as well. Let me give an example. God looks at a young couple just getting married who have no idea what God will do with their lives. He knows that He is going to call them to be missionaries for Him in ten years, but His time for their calling hasn't yet come. Regardless, when God sees that couple, I believe He says to Himself, there's my missionary couple. Because He calls things that are not as though they were. Do you see what I mean? Dear one, what has He called you to that has not yet come to fruition? Remember, He already calls you what, in the earthly realm, you are not. Mercy, I wish I could be there to see your face as this dawns upon you afresh like it did me. I've been praising Him all day!!
Finally, in verse 21, it states "being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised." So many times I fail God by not trusting in His power to do exactly what He's promised. I trust for others. I can believe it for them, but when it comes to myself, it's a completely different story. This was a reminder for me (and God has to remind me often), to walk like I am fully persuaded that God has power to do [exactly] what He has promised. Praise the Lord! He is worthy. He is mighty and He holds more power than my mind can even fathom. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Holy Joy - David Dances
I'm singing a song as a guest singer today that causes some controversy among my more conservative brothers and sisters in the Lord. It's titled "David Did Dance". And oh, how David did dance. And in a holy way, pleasing to the Lord. I've spent much time studying the passage of scripture in 2 Samuel Chapter 6 where this event is detailed in the past. But today I re-visited it for a refresher before I sing a song about it. I always want to be completely in line with the Word before I ever utter the words in my heart of any song I plan to sing.
Here are some potions of the above-mentioned passage: 2 Samuel 6:14 "David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might". Now, I could park right there on the "with all his might" section, but I'll save that for another day. My focus is to be in a later nugget tucked in this passage. A little further down and you'll see it. David's wife Michal was disgusted by his public display of affection for the Lord and you can imagine she had a few words to say about it. Let's focus on David's response to the opposition. Get your own Bible to see that it's there and underline it so you can reference it when you're fighting that endless battle against the enemy. 2 Samuel 6:21-22 "It was before the Lord who chose me rahter than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord's people Israel - I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this and I will be humiliated by my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor."
If I were saying this today to someone, it would sound something like this: "God knew me and chose me anyway. I can't contain my joy over that. Sometimes, you just gotta move so you can let the joy out! It does not matter what you or anyone else thinks. It only matters that God sees my heart and knows that I am worshipping him."
Brother or sister in Christ, when we truly understand what Christ has done for us. When we truly get it, our joy will not be contained either. Dancing might not be your form of expression. For some it's a raised hand during worship music. For many it's a bowed knee. For some it's just a smile and for others it's tears. However you feel comfortable expressing your joy, just express it for the Lord's sake! Show Him how you feel. And let others be blessed by your expression. Because they will, dear one. Joy is contagious.
Enjoy this video to encourage and uplift you. Keep on dancin'!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Warnings and Obedience
First, I must apologize for not updating this blog as frequently as I should. We have had some major changes in our lives lately and I've gotten a little bogged down with daily living. God has worked in our lives recently in ways I would have never imagined. I am amazed at how He chooses to bless us regardless of how poorly we've handled our lives.
We moved last week. My one year old has discovered the joy of climbing and finds our moving boxes utterly delightful objects on which to practice his new skill. What is most entertaining is the way, despite countless warnings from his parents who know what's best, he will climb to the top of a box only to realize that he doesn't quite know how to get down. He then commences to sit down and cry until one of us finally has mercy and rescues the pitiful thing.
This reminded me of a picture of my life following the Lord. Throughout His Word and through Holy Spirit leading, I am warned of dangerous areas that I should avoid. Yet, human nature and my sheer stubbornness causes me to explore the territory despite the obvious warnings. Then I get myself in a mess that I have no clue how to get out of. In hindsight I sit down and wallow in my self-pity, knowing I did something completely out of the Lord's will and completely disobedient. I have no option but to sit down and cry out to the Lord until He has mercy on me and rescues me -- yet again.
As I grow in the Lord, the same mistakes are made less often and I learn from my past experience. Just as a baby will eventually learn that some heights are simply dangerous, children of the Lord eventually learn how to heed His warnings and not tread choppy waters. But until that time, we can know that according to I John 1:9, when "we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." So when I do mess up (and I know I will, for I am human), I have confidence in the redeeming power of my Savior to hear me when I repent and give me a fresh start.
Just to be clear, this does not mean that I have license to do whatever I wish and then ask forgiveness later. God will not be mocked. But if I keep a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and ask for revelation about any unconfessed sin, I know my God is faithful to give me that revelation. Grace does not replace our responsibility to be obedient. Obedience is always the shortest distance to God's will and the most blessed path to take.
I am thankful that God will never give up on me. Because I have given Him good reason. But, just as I want to bless my children, my Heavenly Father wants to bless me. Praise His Name, I'm a child of the King!
We moved last week. My one year old has discovered the joy of climbing and finds our moving boxes utterly delightful objects on which to practice his new skill. What is most entertaining is the way, despite countless warnings from his parents who know what's best, he will climb to the top of a box only to realize that he doesn't quite know how to get down. He then commences to sit down and cry until one of us finally has mercy and rescues the pitiful thing.
This reminded me of a picture of my life following the Lord. Throughout His Word and through Holy Spirit leading, I am warned of dangerous areas that I should avoid. Yet, human nature and my sheer stubbornness causes me to explore the territory despite the obvious warnings. Then I get myself in a mess that I have no clue how to get out of. In hindsight I sit down and wallow in my self-pity, knowing I did something completely out of the Lord's will and completely disobedient. I have no option but to sit down and cry out to the Lord until He has mercy on me and rescues me -- yet again.
As I grow in the Lord, the same mistakes are made less often and I learn from my past experience. Just as a baby will eventually learn that some heights are simply dangerous, children of the Lord eventually learn how to heed His warnings and not tread choppy waters. But until that time, we can know that according to I John 1:9, when "we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." So when I do mess up (and I know I will, for I am human), I have confidence in the redeeming power of my Savior to hear me when I repent and give me a fresh start.
Just to be clear, this does not mean that I have license to do whatever I wish and then ask forgiveness later. God will not be mocked. But if I keep a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and ask for revelation about any unconfessed sin, I know my God is faithful to give me that revelation. Grace does not replace our responsibility to be obedient. Obedience is always the shortest distance to God's will and the most blessed path to take.
I am thankful that God will never give up on me. Because I have given Him good reason. But, just as I want to bless my children, my Heavenly Father wants to bless me. Praise His Name, I'm a child of the King!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Making Plans
Wow, May 11th was quite awhile ago! I have been a little slack with this blog over the past couple weeks. Our lives have been very eventful lately and just sitting down for quiet time with God has been a struggle. But I just have to share with you what I learned from my Master yesterday!
I was reading 2 Corinthians 1:12 - 2:4. We have a few pretty major decisions we are currently praying about and a verse in this passage leaped off the page at me (isn't it exciting when that happens?). It was in Chaper 1, verse 17. "When I planned this, did I do it lightly? Or do I make my plans in a worldy manner so that in the same breath I say, "Yes, yes" and "No, no"?"
So I examined myself and found that most often, I make my plans lightly, in a worldy manner, saying "Yes, yes" and "No, no" in the same breath. Frequently, I allow myself to just float an flit about being tossed by every breeze that comes my way. But in this Scripture, God has called and is calling me to put some thought and, more importantly, prayer behind my plans. Because, let's be honest, they're His plans to begin with. And make no mistake. He will have His plans carried out, whether we are immediately obedient or not.
Mere humans are the ones who make things difficult on themselves. Am I suggesting that a Christian's life is all sunshine and roses? Absolutely not! But if we are joyously obedient at the beginning of our decision-making process, we experience peace, understanding and assurance throughout the entire process.
So my challenge to myself and you, dear readers, is this. Test decisions against the Word of God. Then pray for clarity, understanding and assurance that the decision is the correct one. Once I receive that revelation, walk confidently in the knowledge that I made the right decision and - here's the key - do not allow myself to be tossed by the first breeze that comes my way. Expect winds and storms and be steadfast and unmoveable in my faith.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Prayer Update
Well, we had quite an eventful week! I asked you to pray specifically for us to have opportunity to be a testimony for Christ and He was faithful to give opporunities around every corner.
But the biggest opportunity was on the way out of town. We were traveling with some people and we stopped at a traffic light and I hit the gas and . . . nothing - no power, our car just completely died. How can people think God does not have a sense of humor? We were asking for opportunities and what bigger opportunity could we have than an expensive car repair on a road trip? We got to demonstrate patience, faith, kindness, gratitude, self-control and peace, just to name a few. We also got to be living testimonies to the provisions God has for His children. Every single detail was taken care of seamlessly and we didn't suffer AT ALL.
Praise His name!
We still request your prayer on the financial matter mentioned in the last post. While it is definitely temporarily controlled, there are still loose ends that need completely tied up. I am completely faithful in the power of my God to work in the situation and know that He already has plans much bigger than I could ever ask or imagine.
Blessings dear ones and thank you for your prayers and encouragement!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Over the past few months, I have been writing to both be an encouragement and be encouraged. You see, it encourages me to go back and read what God is doing and has done in my life.
I find myself today needing to ask for encouragement from my fellow believers in the form of some fervent prayers. I hope you are reading this before Friday, May 1st. I need to ask all the readers of this blog to pray specifically for God to do two things for us. Please start right now and continue through May 9th.
First, could you agree with me in prayer for a specific financial need? I won't share details for the world to see, but if you could just petition the Lord for me in the area of finances, He will, of course, know what I am praying about.
Secondly, our family has an opportunity coming next week to either be positive or negative testimonies for Christ. We will be in a specific situation that will cause us to simply share our daily lives. These folks we will be sharing with are certainly separated from the Lord. Whether as believers living out of fellowship or unbelievers completely separated, only God knows. Regardless, we have been given a great opportunity to show how attractive our differences are. Please pray that God will open doors, that He will make it blatantly obvious that the door is open, and that we will walk through the doors with grace and peace. Most importantly, pray that God will use us strategically to bring two souls to Him for His glory, honor and praise!!
Thank you in advance for your commitment to pray with us! We need it more than mere words can express. Of course, you can expect a report on the blessings your prayers have accomplished when we return.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Makes me wanna shout! Hallelujah, Thank You Jesus!
Today is Sunday. The Lord's Day. These days I find I cherish my Lord's Day more and more. I'm not sure if it's because I'm getting older, or because I've known the Lord longer or because I'm going deeper with Him every day. A combination of them all, I'm sure. What a precious gift God has given us to corporately worship Him. And how thankful I am to have been born in a country where we have the freedom to do so.
I find myself being more and more open in my worship as time goes on. Those of you who know me know I am a vocalist. But true worship is so much more than music. And freedom to express that worship is a privilege and a joy! Worship takes place anytime we honor and bless the Lord. For me, that includes raising my children, keeping my home, supporting and encouraging my husband, praying with a friend, studying God's Word, and, yes, music. I've heard Beth Moore say before that if we really GOT what God has done for us, we couldn't help but express our joy! And I wholeheartedly agree with that statement.
Think about it dear one! He met you right where you were. He sent His only Son to die and suffer shame and hatred so your sins could be forgiven. He KEEPS you by the same power that raised His Son. He pursues you every day because He is jealous for a deep relationship with YOU. The words to one of my very favorite songs continually play in my mind. Notice the acts God has done for us . . .
When I think about the Lord
How He saved me
How He raised me
How he filled me with the Holy Ghost
How he healed me to the uttermost
When I think about the Lord
How He picked me up
And turned me around
How he placed my feet
On solid ground . . .
Now read the REST of the song for the only response we can have after a work like that!
. . . Makes me wanna shout!
Thank you Jesus!
Lord you're worthy!
Of all the glory!
And all the honor!
And all the praise!
How can you not wanna shout?? How about leap? Run? Dare I say, DANCE with some holy joy! Look what He did. Look what He's doing. Look what He'll do. Go ahead and shout a little, I'll wait . . .
If the words to that song don't do it for you, why don't you spend a little time in the Psalms? Psalm 40 is one of my personal favorites. "He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." (v. 2). Or how about Psalm 34 "I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together." (v. 1-3) Exalt His name with me, saints! He is worthy!! If this doesn't make you wanna shout Hallelujah, thank you Jesus, you'd better check your pulse! You might need to visit your Healer!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
God Speaking
I'm on a mission to learn about God's plan for some very specific situations in my life. I'm wondering how you discern God's voice in your life. What tools do you use to be absolutely certain He has spoken to you about a specific situation. I know there are many others who would love some practical life application tools to help them know that what they're hearing is indeed God's voice. Please comment. How do you seek His voice on specific matters? Are you a still listener (meditating on His Word quietly)? Do you ask for a specific Scripture for confirmation? Do you keep a journal, then go back and read how He's spoken to you through your own thoughts? Prayer walks? What is your familiar way to seek God's voice?
Please leave your comment. I'm just so thrilled to see how God speaks in the lives of fellow saints.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Lessons from my children
Wow, last week had so many things I want to share with you that I could write for days. So I'll spare you and pick one theme that seemed to prevail in my life last week - God speaking to me through my kids. How humbling!!
I got to witness God immediately answer a prayer by my son that directly affected our lives. It was incredible. I was honored to be able to point out to him that he will never have to wonder if God listens to his prayers. He will never have to wonder if God loves him. I told him when he starts to feel those things to remember that moment.
Then later in the week, I cried with him while he was very sad over a situation with a neighborhood playmate. He felt like he wasn't liked anymore. I reminded him what a cool kid he is, but more than that, I got to remind him that God had just showed him earlier in the week how much he meant to Him!!
But God used that situation to teach mom a very important lesson that I'll never forget. God is sad when we are sad. He hurts when we hurt just as much as a mother hurts with her child when his feelings are hurt. God is miraculously, gloriously showing me more and more how much he loves me and wants a deep relationship with me. He's teaching me how he is not a God waiting for me to make mistakes, but rather, he waits for me to seek closeness with Him.
I hope your children never have to face hurts from other children. But the reality is that children deal with this sort of thing every day. Just like adults. How often are you hurt by other human adults? Often, I'm sure. We have a parent to run to to cry on their shoulder. And He hurts with us, just like we hurt with our kids when they come to us. Remember this during those times and be encouraged. There are lessons from the Lord in every act of every day. Our job as believers is to have our eyes and ears open enough to see and hear the lesson, then apply it!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The "Little" Things
Again, a short one today. I am thankful today for answered prayers. I am thankful for my incredible children and husband. I am thankful that God puts us in exactly the church He needs and wants us to do exactly the work He's called us to do.
Sometimes, I just have to remind myself what God IS doing in my life rather than focus on all the areas of uncertainty and frustration. A good friend reminded me of this on Facebook this morning. She may not even know the part she played in my re-focus, but if you're reading, you know who you are and thank you! God is so good . . . all the time. He's faithful to give us encouragement just when we need it, exactly from the place it needs to come. I am in awe at how, just when I need an answer or someone who understands, someone comes along and just blesses my socks off or a portion of Scripture virtually LEAPS off the page at me. And then I remember, God isn't surprised by what we're facing. He knew it before the foundation of the Earth and He planned for either a way out or grace to go through it!
Thank you Father, for your unfailing, ever-present love for me. You love me even more than I love my own children and my mind can't even comprehend a love that deep. Thank you for reminding me whose I am and giving me assurance that you have a detailed, magnificent plan for the extraordinary gift you've placed on my life. Even if I haven't realized the unique talent or gift yet!! In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!
He is worthy, friends. Praise, honor and glorify Him alone!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Power Source
This'll be a short one today. I have the wee one in the pack 'n play and he won't tolerate it too much longer. I took a few precious moments of semi-silence to do some laundry and I wanted to check in here, too.
I've picked up my journal again lately and wow, can I say God is so faithful!! I don't know why I have such a hard time remembering to journal. It's such a great way to see what God is doing in my life and watch prayers get answered right before my very eyes. Since I started again last week (I think Wednesday or Thursday), I have seen at least 5 specific prayers answered. How cool it is to see God work. And now I have records of it, so that later, when I'm having a moment where I feel like my prayers aren't even going as high as my ceiling, I can turn back and remember and KNOW that God loves me, He's listening, and He will answer my prayer - in His time. That's the hard part, isn't it? In God's time. We mere humans have difficulty turning it over to God in the first place, much less actually waiting for Him to answer. Or worse yet, accepting His answer no matter what.
So my challenge for you (and me) today is to "be still and know" that He is God. The same God who raised His own son from the dead for your sins and mine is using that same power to work in and through your life. I'll give you a minute to think about that . . . . . . Do you get it?! The power He used to raise His son from the dead is the same power He uses to change us daily!! Hallelujah, dear one! That's power! Who says He can't change your attitude, work miracles in your life, save that person you've been praying about for 15 years, give you a baby, pay your bills, hold you when you're hurting, put you back together when you're broken or just simply LISTEN to you, then ANSWER!! Praise His name today, believer - He's worthy!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Cursing the Fig Tree
I've been spending some time this week with Jesus in his last week on Earth. I was struck by something. I was reading about Him cursing the fig tree and I don't think I've ever seen that passage before. (Matthew 21:18-22). He went to the fig tree and was hungry, but it had no fruit, so He cursed it! Now many Bible scholars say this didn't show a temperamental side of Jesus. Perhaps not, but it was encouraging to me nonetheless. You see, I tend to forget that Jesus was 100% God AND 100% man. It's the man part I struggle with. He faced every temptation I do (in this case, hunger) and didn't sin!! How amazing is that? He wanted to do the will of His Father more than anything. So much so that He asked if the cup (of death) could pass from Him! But the key to that request was "not my will, but yours be done" meaning the will of God the Father.
This has me thinking in so many directions it's hard to collect my thoughts enough to write them. How many times has something unnerved me so badly that I wanted to curse it? How many times have I actually cursed something? Too many to count, to be sure. Although I know the passage isn't referring to Jesus just cursing something because His want isn't met, it encourages me to know that God understands me when I feel this way.
You see, it's very hard for me to see God as loving. Judgemental, yes. Sovereign, yes. Holy, certainly. But loving, compassionate, gentle - those things are characteristics that I'm still learning about. But to see this human quality in Him in this scene from His last days on Earth really teaches me that He really does understand! After all, He created me in His image. Which means, He understands every emotion I feel. What a relief! I can take my emotions to Him and leave them there. How refreshing.
Be encouraged, girlfriends and guy-friends!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Being brave enough to jump out of the boiling water
Today I'm wondering how you stay in a place when you feel like so few people are "fighting the good fight" with you. I am discouraged by the lack of commitment I see in today's church body. Whether it is to view the church as a social club and be over-involved in "good" things or, to another extreme, just simply not be part of a local body of believers and have church with whatever television preacher you like best. It's all a method to avoid the higher calling every Christian has to work the field to produce a harvest for the Kingdom of Christ. It simply saddens me that as Christians in today's world, we can look at our surroundings and be okay with them.
I'm sure you've heard the old analogy of the frog who's put in a boiling pot of water. He'll jump out if the pot is already hot. But put him in the water while it's cold and let it heat up with him in the pot, and he doesn't even notice he's dying. That's how I see the Christian community today. We're in the pot and we have been for some time now. The water's boiling!! And we don't even notice we're dying in this world. The Christian community is at risk of becoming extinct by way of ineffectiveness at the rate we're going. And the majority of us are so comfortable with it, we don't even recognize conviction when it tugs at our hearts.
I, for one, want to jump out and cling to my Bible, my morals and, most importantly, my Lord. Anyone with me?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Called or Qualified?
Missing Sunday morning service is something I rarely do. I rarely miss any service or event at church. But lately I've been wondering . . . is my busy-ness too, well, busy? I'm sitting here on a Sunday morning missing worship service because I am completely exhausted by my life and I had zero energy. Granted, I have not had a good night's sleep in over a year, but isn't having a baby in the house even more reason to s l o w d o w n????
I've missed this morning's worship service, but, I've enjoyed my short respite to spend some time alone with my King. The more involved I become, the more I yearn for QUIET time. Isn't it delightfully odd how our Lord draws us to Him even more when we are trying to shut Him out with "good" things? My life is full of "good" things. Ministry, homeschooling, baby, Bible Study, teaching, working for the church, a third side job (gotta add my portion to the household finances!), the list could go on and on and on . . . But I wonder. Has Satan gotten me distracted from those things that I am called for and gotten me focused on things I am qualified for?
You see, I learned a few years ago that God calls, then qualifies. So I'm challenged to take inventory of my life. What are the things I'm doing that I knew I would NEVER do because I didn't have what it takes? Those are likely the things God has called me to do. What are the things I could do in my sleep? Those are likely the things, that although I am qualified, I might be filling someone else's shoes. God may just want to move someone else in a spot I am occupying. And He may have even more frightening things for me to do.
Lord, help me be obedient. Open my ears and eyes. Speak to me through the Holy Spirit in me so that I only do what YOU are asking. I want to do Your work alone. Not that of human request or requirement. Thank you, Father for equipping me with everything I need to complete the work you have set for me. Now give me the discernment to know the difference.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!
Friday, February 13, 2009
What a puzzle!
I find myself today wondering what ever happened to my sleep? Yesterday, Jackson had ear tubes inserted. While this a very minor surgery compared to some others my friends' children have had to face, it was a big deal to me because it was my kid. We've not had a full night's rest since Jackson came into our world and turned it upside down 91/2 months ago. The ONLY way I make it through a day is God's supernatural strength and energy. We are promised incredibly improved sleep due to the fact that the fluid should be off his ears now. Last night we woke up 4 times with him.
I'm not sure why God has sent me this complete puzzle of a child, except that it keeps me seeking Him for answers. I'm constantly asking God for wisdom and understanding concerning this little one. He completely baffles me most days and more often than not, I'm just tired of the effort it takes to "figure him out." Yet when he smiles, it lights up my world. I'm wondering if this is how I make my Father in Heaven feel. I frustrate Him more than any other child He has. I am undoubtedly in His "high maintenance" file. Yet, when I am happy, He delights over me. He delights over me regardless of my mood or obedience. Simply because I'm His. How incredible. How humbling. How awesome is my God.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Noise
Lately I have been more than a little frustrated with the body of Christ. From not taking stands on issues nationally to more personal relationship issues, I'm just stunned by the lukewarm temperature of the Bride of Christ. It makes me want to scream "DOES ANYONE CARE THAT SOULS ARE BEING LOST TO THE ENEMY EVERY DAY???!!"
Please don't think that I'm throwing stones at glass houses. I count myself guilty just as much as the next believer. We get so caught up in our own lives that we fail to notice the miracles God is orchestrating all around us. Miracles such as daily victory over strongholds, a missed accident (that could have been fatal), having someone on our minds seemingly out of the blue, rolling in the floor tickling your child, smelling the sweet scent of baby hair while you rock a precious little soul to sleep. If we would stay focused on Christ and what he's doing every minute of our lives, the enemy would absolutely NOT get as much victory as we turn over to him.
Satan's deception is to get us focused on all the noise in our lives. The economy, that person who lied about you, your personal struggles with finances, the fact that you can't figure out how you're going to cook the chicken tonight. I'm living proof that your life can get noisy. Here's a perfect example. The other day I ate lunch with my kids and a dear friend and her children. Anyone who knows my 9 month old knows that he has the most high-pitched, shrill squeal of any child you've ever heard and will probably surpass anything else you'll hear in your lifetime. Toward the end of the time we were there, the squealer was getting sleepy, thus the squealing commenced. Now, I'm slightly used to this behavior (although you never quite get used to something THAT loud) so it didn't affect me quite as much as all the other poor patrons in the restaurant. Thank Jesus it was just fast food! Other restaurants might have taken our picture and tacked it up with a sign instructing employees not to allow us in again. The reactions were obvious from everyone, yet everyone's reaction was different. One group of gentlemen just laughed and seemed to think it wasn't a big deal. I was embarrassed. My friend was sympathetic. One couple just got angry and left.
This got me thinking. I've been bothered by the "noise" in my Christian life for some time now. I feel like I'm so busy and there are so many things demanding my attention that I can't even hear God when he shouts, let alone spend time quietly waiting for Him to speak. But just like my son's squeal, when the noise gets loud enough it can literally deafen you momentarily or even, in extreme cases, permanently until the noise ceases. We can react to our noise in as many different ways as the patrons in that restaurant. And how God requires us to act might be different depending on the circumstances.
Maybe the noise is sin. He may demand that we get mad and leave whatever the sin is. Maybe the noise is busy-ness. That could require anything from leaving to laughing, then digging in and holding on. Whatever the noise, if it is so deafening that it causes us to miss God's voice, it needs to be silenced. For me right now, the noise is my own thoughts. I have many decisions to make. Some of them may change the course of my relationship with some people. Some of them have potential to free me up in areas, while requiring so much more of me in others. All of them are hard. But I know once I've heard God's definitive voice on the matter, the follow-through will be peaceful and bless me and others beyond my wildest dreams.
What's the noise in your life preventing God from doing for you or through you? Are you having a deaf moment or have you had some permanent damage that needs God's healing touch to repair?
"Father, thank you for loving us so much you can't get enough of us! Help us to feel the same way about you. I'm crazy about you, Lord and I want to hear you when you speak. Help me to remove the noise that's preventing me from hearing the sweetest thing on earth - your voice. Give me the strength to give up things that are good, but not necessarily in your plan. Give me the grace to offer reconciliation when it needs to be offered. Give me your mercy when dealing with the noisemakers in my life. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen."
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Birthdays and new beginnings
Yesterday we held Brady's 7th birthday party. Of course, being the momma, I remember the day he was born like yesterday. He was SO precious and a really great baby. Frankly, he's been a really great kid. He is very compliant and gives me very little reason to be puzzled or frustrated. He makes me laugh every single day and he's got a great personalitly. I am thankful every day for a blessing like him.
This got me thinking. In a couple months we will be holding Jackson's 1st birthday party. My first year with him has not been the wonderful experience full of sweet memories that Brady's was. Jackson is a very puzzling, rather difficult and needy baby. But THANK GOD he's got a smile that will melt your heart and he's just so darn cute. I have felt most of the year that I didn't know what I was getting in to by having a second child and I should have stuck with my gut feeling not to.
But God is faithful. I was obedient to Him alone when I told Him that I would be Ok with it if He gave me another child. God reminded me that He didn't need my permission - He's God. But it really helps matters if we are obedient to Him. It makes our lives so much smoother. God has reminded me this week that children are a treasure and every single life on this earth matters to Him because He created it. I love my sons. They are so unique and so rewarding individually. And it's just makes a mom's heart leap to see Brady play with Jackson and care for him so tenderly. God is good - all the time!
Friday, January 30, 2009
MUCH needed rest
I am writing this after some much needed rest God gave me this afternoon. I have been struggling with an extrememly fussy, unhappy baby for 9 months now. After time, the sleep depravation and lack of success when trying to comfort my little one really begin to make a momma weary. I have had feelings of inadequacy, depression and frankly, lunacy these months. But God is faithful and has provided just what I needed at exactly the right time - His time.
I took my cherub to the ENT this morning to learn that he has another ear infection (the 4th one in 3 months) and ear tubes are highly recommended. While I'm unsure how we will swing this financially, I know that once more, God will be faithful and show me the answers in His time. Having experienced ear "issues" as a young child myself, I know how miserable the poor boy must be and I just pray that God sustains him and me through this.
Meanwhile, my firstborn is turning 7 Monday and we are preparing for his Ben 10 birthday party tomorrow. Ten 5-7 year olds running around. LORD HELP! I'm planning many activities and hopefully I'll wear their little heiney's out and send them home ready for dinner then promptly to bed!
Thanks for reading and I look forward to sharing God's journey with you!
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