Friday, June 26, 2009

Warnings and Obedience

First, I must apologize for not updating this blog as frequently as I should. We have had some major changes in our lives lately and I've gotten a little bogged down with daily living. God has worked in our lives recently in ways I would have never imagined. I am amazed at how He chooses to bless us regardless of how poorly we've handled our lives.

We moved last week. My one year old has discovered the joy of climbing and finds our moving boxes utterly delightful objects on which to practice his new skill. What is most entertaining is the way, despite countless warnings from his parents who know what's best, he will climb to the top of a box only to realize that he doesn't quite know how to get down. He then commences to sit down and cry until one of us finally has mercy and rescues the pitiful thing.

This reminded me of a picture of my life following the Lord. Throughout His Word and through Holy Spirit leading, I am warned of dangerous areas that I should avoid. Yet, human nature and my sheer stubbornness causes me to explore the territory despite the obvious warnings. Then I get myself in a mess that I have no clue how to get out of. In hindsight I sit down and wallow in my self-pity, knowing I did something completely out of the Lord's will and completely disobedient. I have no option but to sit down and cry out to the Lord until He has mercy on me and rescues me -- yet again.

As I grow in the Lord, the same mistakes are made less often and I learn from my past experience. Just as a baby will eventually learn that some heights are simply dangerous, children of the Lord eventually learn how to heed His warnings and not tread choppy waters. But until that time, we can know that according to I John 1:9, when "we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." So when I do mess up (and I know I will, for I am human), I have confidence in the redeeming power of my Savior to hear me when I repent and give me a fresh start.

Just to be clear, this does not mean that I have license to do whatever I wish and then ask forgiveness later. God will not be mocked. But if I keep a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and ask for revelation about any unconfessed sin, I know my God is faithful to give me that revelation. Grace does not replace our responsibility to be obedient. Obedience is always the shortest distance to God's will and the most blessed path to take.

I am thankful that God will never give up on me. Because I have given Him good reason. But, just as I want to bless my children, my Heavenly Father wants to bless me. Praise His Name, I'm a child of the King!