Thursday, July 30, 2009

God's economy

As my personal study of Acts continues, I have found even more that I simply must share with you. I can hardly think of anything else than what the Lord has shown me today.

I am visiting my parents out of town. My dad loves Fox News and watches it almost exclusive to anything else on TV, save Judge Judy. Judge Judy drives me nuts (sorry, Dad) but I can handle Fox News. If you have to watch news - which I make a habit of not doing (too depressing) - I guess Fox is the best choice. I digress.

The most hot topic on any news channel right now is the Healthcare Reform that President Obama is trying to implement. I will never use this blog as a political platform for my personal opinions. Those are between you and the Lord. I only mention what's being reported currently because it related so much to my study in Acts, that I've been convicted and prayerful ever since.

Regardless of your political view, the Bible never changes. There are truths and principles in there that can change your day, your life and your world. How can you reading the Bible change the world you might ask. Allow me to submit one very real possibility. You read your Bible and are changed by the holy conviction you receive. Then you share it with someone else, who then pursues their own search and receives life-changing revelation. Then they share it and so on and so forth. So I decided to share what I've learned in the hopes that you'll share, then the people you meet will share. I am very weary of mediocre Christianity.

Now, on to what I read that relates so poignantly to today's world and our current issues. In Acts Chapter 4 verse 32, then verses 34-35 we get an explanation of how life was supposed to be and how the body of Christ is supposed to act. Acts 4:32, 34-35: "All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet and it was distributed to anyone as he had need." Now there's a welfare system for you. God's system. God's economy.

It states clearly here that God's plan to feed the hungry and clothe the needy was for the church to care for them. Under the direction and counsel of the church, everyone had what they needed. I fear what I am saying here might be misconstrued. Please understand that I am taking no political side here. Instead, I am asking - what has happened to Christians today? When did we become so greedy that we started thinking "this is mine" rather than "this is God's"? Please know that there is no condemnation in this questioning because I am the first who needed to repent of this particular selfishness. Where did we, as Christians, lose the desire to give freely, joyfully and sacrificially so that God may use the gifts with which He blessed us to bless others even more?

It's no wonder circumstances have become what they are in the world. Christians have forgotten or possibly simply ignored the teachings of God's Word and decided to make their own rules. There is no plan other than God's plan. Because of our slothfulness in stewardship, we have allowed government to step in and fill the gap we have left. Our responsibility is to study the Word, to know the Word and to live the Word. Why are we sitting idly by when we have the answers from God in a precious love story He wrote just to us? I challenge us (myself included) to read His Word with abandon. Like our lives depend on it. Because they do. Then drop to your knees and pray. Pray like you've never prayed before and let's show this world what a truly faithful, obedient Christian can do to effect change.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Who we REALLY are

Really, I'm trying to update this blog more frequently. I promise. Tomorrow is a new day, I suppose. Bear with me.

Today, my Bible study had me in Romans 4 and a couple things struck me while I read it. Particularly, 2 verses within the chapter. I'll share both of them with you today and I hope it blesses you like it blessed me. It blessed my socks off, as I often like to say.

First, in verse 17, it states - "the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were." There's so much in that one half-verse that I can hardly get my thoughts to my fingers before another one comes full-steam ahead behind it! "The God who gives life to the dead" - do you know a dead person who needs a little life? How about a dead marriage? How about a dead friendship? And let's just be honest, I'm sure we all know a dead church that could use some life! It says right here, smack in the middle of Romans 4 that God is the giver of life! So why don't we just ask for it?

Then there's the portion of that verse that says "and calls things that are not as though they were." Will someone please shout Glory! with me???!! The context of this portion is that Abraham had righteousness credited to him by faith - - alone. Not circumcision, not position, not breeding, but faith only. Faith in the only One worth entrusting faith to. God Almighty, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, with whom we are heirs to the throne by our simple faith. Hallelujah, someone needs to shout right now! Maybe run a little or dance, or sing or kneel?

I'm going to borrow on this verse for a minute and take it just a little farther. This is what God spoke to me, personally through this portion of this verse. Yes, the verse is talking about our righteousness credited to us simply because we believe. And that in and of itself is a miraculous work. But, even more than that, I believe that God calls us not only who we are in Him as though we already were, but what we are in Him as well. Let me give an example. God looks at a young couple just getting married who have no idea what God will do with their lives. He knows that He is going to call them to be missionaries for Him in ten years, but His time for their calling hasn't yet come. Regardless, when God sees that couple, I believe He says to Himself, there's my missionary couple. Because He calls things that are not as though they were. Do you see what I mean? Dear one, what has He called you to that has not yet come to fruition? Remember, He already calls you what, in the earthly realm, you are not. Mercy, I wish I could be there to see your face as this dawns upon you afresh like it did me. I've been praising Him all day!!

Finally, in verse 21, it states "being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised." So many times I fail God by not trusting in His power to do exactly what He's promised. I trust for others. I can believe it for them, but when it comes to myself, it's a completely different story. This was a reminder for me (and God has to remind me often), to walk like I am fully persuaded that God has power to do [exactly] what He has promised. Praise the Lord! He is worthy. He is mighty and He holds more power than my mind can even fathom. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Holy Joy - David Dances

I'm singing a song as a guest singer today that causes some controversy among my more conservative brothers and sisters in the Lord. It's titled "David Did Dance". And oh, how David did dance. And in a holy way, pleasing to the Lord. I've spent much time studying the passage of scripture in 2 Samuel Chapter 6 where this event is detailed in the past. But today I re-visited it for a refresher before I sing a song about it. I always want to be completely in line with the Word before I ever utter the words in my heart of any song I plan to sing.

Here are some potions of the above-mentioned passage: 2 Samuel 6:14 "David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might". Now, I could park right there on the "with all his might" section, but I'll save that for another day. My focus is to be in a later nugget tucked in this passage. A little further down and you'll see it. David's wife Michal was disgusted by his public display of affection for the Lord and you can imagine she had a few words to say about it. Let's focus on David's response to the opposition. Get your own Bible to see that it's there and underline it so you can reference it when you're fighting that endless battle against the enemy. 2 Samuel 6:21-22 "It was before the Lord who chose me rahter than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord's people Israel - I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this and I will be humiliated by my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor."

If I were saying this today to someone, it would sound something like this: "God knew me and chose me anyway. I can't contain my joy over that. Sometimes, you just gotta move so you can let the joy out! It does not matter what you or anyone else thinks. It only matters that God sees my heart and knows that I am worshipping him."

Brother or sister in Christ, when we truly understand what Christ has done for us. When we truly get it, our joy will not be contained either. Dancing might not be your form of expression. For some it's a raised hand during worship music. For many it's a bowed knee. For some it's just a smile and for others it's tears. However you feel comfortable expressing your joy, just express it for the Lord's sake! Show Him how you feel. And let others be blessed by your expression. Because they will, dear one. Joy is contagious.

Enjoy this video to encourage and uplift you. Keep on dancin'!