Sunday, August 29, 2010

Clearly NOT a Yellow Brick Road

I've discovered that blogging is about as random as journaling is for me. Looks like it's been almost four months since I've had something profound enough to share on my mind. Trust me, I use the term profound very loosely.

So how have YOU been? I've been wrestling with many things in my heart concerning the Lord lately. I wish I could tell you I'm coming to you with incredible insight and clarity and God has just laid my path out for me so clearly I feel like Dorothy on the yellow brick road. But, the God of heaven and earth is simply not that clear most of the time.

And it's in those times that I've found God does the coolest work. You see, I'm not a naturally patient person - ask my husband, kids or mother. But I doubt many of us are because we're so hopelessly human. I like to have my answers my way and right now, thank you very much. And it would be really helpful if you'd just wrap them all up in a neat little bow, so I can be sure to know exactly where to find them.

But God in His sovereignty has MUCH bigger plans. You see, before He ever formed the earth He knew you and me. He knew that I would prefer to not have to wait too long for an answer and that I would trust way more in my plan B than I did Him. So He's given me one opportunity after another to learn to trust Him more. And it's in those waiting times that He teaches me the lessons I remember most. God doesn't just grab a ladle of grace and serve all the grace we need for our entire lives on earth in one big bowl. He gives us little teaspoons at a time. Each day we must go to Him and ask for the grace, strength, peace, you fill in the blank to make it through that minute, hour and day. Then the next day, we get to petition Him one more time.

God does this for us and for His pleasure. He knew that if He gave me all I needed and said "here, child, now don't spend it all in one place" that I'd screw up in two major ways. Number one - I'd waste my portion before I ever made it to my last day. And number two - I would never seek God's face because I'd think I didn't need Him anymore. God desires relationship and because He made us in His image, we need relationship, too. Who better to have a close, intimate relationship with than the one who holds everything in His hands??

These are the thoughts that have been encouraging me lately, and I hope they encourage you, too, sweet child of the King! I'd love to hear your personal comments on how God has blessed you by simply wanting a relationship with you. Leave a comment below and be encouraged!