Thursday, May 28, 2009

Making Plans

Wow, May 11th was quite awhile ago!  I have been a little slack with this blog over the past couple weeks.  Our lives have been very eventful lately and just sitting down for quiet time with God has been a struggle.  But I just have to share with you what I learned from my Master yesterday!

I was reading 2 Corinthians 1:12 - 2:4.  We have a few pretty major decisions we are currently praying about and a verse in this passage leaped off the page at me (isn't it exciting when that happens?).  It was in Chaper 1, verse 17.  "When I planned this, did I do it lightly?  Or do I make my plans in a worldy manner so that in the same breath I say, "Yes, yes" and "No, no"?"

So I examined myself and found that most often, I make my plans lightly, in a worldy manner, saying "Yes, yes" and "No, no" in the same breath.  Frequently, I allow myself to just float an flit about being tossed by every breeze that comes my way.  But in this Scripture, God has called and is calling me to put some thought and, more importantly, prayer behind my plans.  Because, let's be honest, they're His plans to begin with.  And make no mistake.  He will have His plans carried out, whether we are immediately obedient or not.  

Mere humans are the ones who make things difficult on themselves.  Am I suggesting that a Christian's life is all sunshine and roses?  Absolutely not!  But if we are joyously obedient at the beginning of our decision-making process, we experience peace, understanding and assurance throughout the entire process.  

So my challenge to myself and you, dear readers, is this.  Test decisions against the Word of God.  Then pray for clarity, understanding and assurance that the decision is the correct one.  Once I receive that revelation, walk confidently in the knowledge that I made the right decision and - here's the key - do not allow myself to be tossed by the first breeze that comes my way.  Expect winds and storms and be steadfast and unmoveable in my faith.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Prayer Update

Well, we had quite an eventful week!  I asked you to pray specifically for us to have opportunity to be a testimony for Christ and He was faithful to give opporunities around every corner.  

But the biggest opportunity was on the way out of town.  We were traveling with some people and we stopped at a traffic light and I hit the gas and  . . . nothing - no power, our car just completely died.  How can people think God does not have a sense of humor?  We were asking for opportunities and what bigger opportunity could we have than an expensive car repair on a road trip?  We got to demonstrate patience, faith, kindness, gratitude, self-control and peace, just to name a few.  We also got to be living testimonies to the provisions God has for His children.  Every single detail was taken care of seamlessly and we didn't suffer AT ALL.  

Praise His name!  

We still request your prayer on the financial matter mentioned in the last post.  While it is definitely temporarily controlled, there are still loose ends that need completely tied up.  I am completely faithful in the power of my God to work in the situation and know that He already has plans much bigger than I could ever ask or imagine.  

Blessings dear ones and thank you for your prayers and encouragement!