Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How Mad are You?

This post will be more of a rant than an actual post, I'm afraid. Lately I have been seeing so many stories put forth by the media that, as a Christian, just plain MAKE ME MAD! How has the average Christian become so, well, average? We are called to go against the tide to stand up for our Lord. Yet, most frequently, there's absolutely no difference between a person who calls themselves a Christian and one who completely denies Christ - except for where they spend their Sunday mornings (in bed or at "church"). Most "churches" these days have no reflection of the picture of God's Church as laid out in Acts Chapter 2.

I confess, until recently, I was as guilty as the next hypocrite. I went to a building to "do church" and was completely clueless what God's design for His church actually was. I thought "doing stuff" for God showed my love for Him and if I could just serve enough, God would know how I felt about Him. Sadly, I was dead wrong - spiritually dead. And I was tired.

The prevailing message in Christianity today is about "service." But the arrow is being pointed at either serving the wrong way - or, probably more specifically - serving the wrong One. True service to our Lord is not something we do, it's something we are. We don't serve the Lord to get something from Him. He's not our genie in a bottle. We serve Him out of our sheer love and devotion to Him for who He is not what He's done.

Certainly, we should praise Him for the good in our lives. But if we never receive one more blessing, we should serve Him simply because He's Lord. Period. I am jealous for a fresh awakening of the Church today. The Bride needs to be ever ready for the Bridegroom. And we need to add as many to the Kingdom as possible on the way. I am utterly convicted to share Jesus more. Every interaction I have with another human is an opportunity to reflect Christ and witness to His Gospel. I wonder - how many opportunities have I wasted? Maybe instead of getting mad at the media, I could get mad at Satan (the real enemy) enough to do something about it. Like share the Gospel with a lost soul. What a revolutionary thought.